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Posts tagged ‘Guys’

Don’t overlook Dada!

If you work in the city, then you probably on the hunt for cool spots to unwind after work. We all have our favorites and for different reasons. Sometimes its the view or to impress other times the vibe is critical.

When its for atmosphere, one of my favorites is Dadá on 2nd. It is easy to get to, right between Market and Mission.. just look for the blue paint and the neon orange sign above. You can walk right buy it as you would not think it was a bar. Don’t! Check it out and you are in for a treat. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) its a bit of a secret spot and I always hear, “How long has this been here?” The answer, about 5 years!

imageThey have a great happy hour, with long hours, strong drinks for reasonable prices.  What more can a person ask for? Oh yeah; art, lighting, good music (a bit loud)…all of which are good to go. It has art pieces strung around and really filling the place.  Lights dimmed and changing slowly between red, green and blue.

The bartender is usually a one man show so you do have to wait a bit but that’s OK. Gets really crowded on Thursday and Friday, thus I go earlier on in the week. Where I can enjoy and drink a$7 martinis? No where half as cool, yet people would just walk by it thinking ill. Trust me, it is not a dive but you would think it is from the outside.

SF Guy Broken Down

Since one of my previous post was about dating in SF… I thought I would do a re-post from my personal blog that explains the dating scene in SF.


75 % Gay – These men are great to go out with and shop.

10% Bi – Basically a combo of a gay playboy.

3% Married & playboy – Utter jerk.

2% Sweetheart angel married – Lucky girl.

9% Playboy frat-boy – Just want to mess around.

1% Good-boy – Not married and potentially available *

*Note half of this one percent is already taken. The rest is free. Good luck finding him.

Getting laid in SF is pretty easy. The straight guys tend to  just want benefits or if not, are gay. It is OK to be friends and hang out with me… naturally guys want to “do” you. Yet somehow this does not equal “dating”.  Which seems like total BS!

Isn’t that the definition of dating, going out and doing things with someone your interested and physically attracted too? This is a common issue for the SF female.

What is the end result? Don’t date in SF.Do date outside of it and the easiest way to do that is to try online dating. It is kind of better than a bar.

FYI, I’ve lived in SF for five, yes, 5 years and NEVER dated a guy from SF. My current sweetie is so far from SF, it’s silly. My Mom rags on me for never dating within my city.

Short? Stop. Not a baseball term

Out with my girls, it is Friday night of Halloween weekend and we just had a fantastic dinner at Analu. I mean WOW! It is reasonable, good food and atmosphere. ( I can’t wait to come back. ) Afterwards, we went out for drinks. The first place,  Skylark, was lame and really ghetto. We continued searching the Mission for a chill place to grab a drink.

We wandered into the Elbo Room which was kinda hopping, at first glance. There are people, it is even kinda crowded and with a good atmosphere. A group on the floor of people mingling and dancing. Cool. Or so we thought….

Besides the fact, that the majority of the group was NOT single, we walked into the short man bar. Every guy in this place was 5’5 or less! EEK! I am 5’6 and most of my girls are about my height. Sorry to hate …but you need a lot of charm or a girl who likes same height or shorter, a rarity.

Land of under 5'5

This poor gent in the picture above is 5’4 and unknowingly trying to pick up two girls who are happily taken. He is also standing, while we are sitting! It is so sad. Getting tired of the line of guys trying to strike up a conversation or make a connection, we started to pack up. As the group gets up to walk to our next stop; we are all taller than him and not by a little. I kept wishing for my girl Ms. V who at 6′  would have dwarfed the room.

Though on that note, I really do commend the guys for trying. It takes guts. Not something everyone can do and seriously hard to execute.  I wish there was an easy way to tell if people were taken or available. Really I mean one or two of the SIX of us were single… how could they have known who is who?

Yet that would not have helped the height problem… which is a common issue in SF.

Next we hit up Luna Park which was perfect! It was quiet and chill but lovely atmosphere. A nice booth for us to sit and talk. Plus no one trying to hit on us, everyone just enjoying their night. We did not end up going out dancing at Manor or 1015… but it was a great night with my girls.