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Archive for December, 2012

Wear-able Art: Victor Tung

ShopEver want to wear something that is truly unique? You know, be the only one wearing it. Hard to come by these days when everything is mass produced. Not true with Victor Tung Couture! Every timeĀ  I walk into his store I am just “WOWed”. The quality, colors and the modern elegance.


Victor uses a wide range of fabrics, most often high end fabrics like silk. The above dress and sheer coat are an example of the elegant side. 1

Wear as this jacket is just completely modern and funky. He also hand prints or paints onto the fabrics. Every article of clothing has its own special touch to it. both1

Check him out at 654 Commercial St.,SF, CA 94111 M- F: 10am – 6pm or call for an appointment #415-399-1588.